Sunday, September 25, 2011

Garen, Kayle, and Dominion

So I mentioned Garen and his awesome tanking abilities, but a newly buffed champ I'm fond of is Kayle. Build her with AP and Attack Speed for the weirdest, most successful combination of awesomeness.  Spam her E, Righteous Fury, and become a super supportive ranged carry. With heals, impenetrable shields, slows and high damage, what can go wrong? 
You can also try to build her tanky for fun, after you get your trinity force and hextech. Kayle rocks.

And then there's Dominion, LoL's new version of capture the flag. It's open for testing; you can currently try the beta sometimes during the day. So, how is it? Unbalanced? Yes. Boring? I would say so. Broken? Indefinitely. It's basically a game of who can run around in circles the fastest. Kills and team fights are irrelevant, as long as you keep hold of more capture points than your enemy. The only thing I like is that the games are truly 15 - 25 minutes. Oh wait, I played a really long game once that was 27. Eh, it's better than a potential hour per one game of regular LoL.

As for other games, Sims Social is now a chore, the old Nintendo Games I got for free on my 3DS don't have save points, and Minecraft still sucks. Today someone decided to steal the floor right from out of my house. I hope you die in lava and then get eaten by zombies, spiders, and giant squid.

Pleasantly Yours,
GGgirl Amava

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Shaco Ownage

So in light of recent GGgirls owning/win streaks, as in Dieowynn with Irelia, here's my Shaco match history ftw. Such rapage - pushing towers like a boss. He was free last week, and so much fun... now I only  have to get enough IP to buy him =(


Saturday, September 10, 2011

New Favorite Champs

It's a good thing LoL has free champion rotations, or I would never have known how awesome these characters are.

Here's Shaco: a scary ass clown who can take down towers like no other and can almost always survive a chase.  Yeah, he's kind of a shady looking dude, but I prefer to think he's secretly a chick behind a mask.

And then there's SPIN AND WIN!  Garen, Might of Demacia, has the best finishing ulti ever. Plus, since I'm comfortable with tank characters, when I build him tanky he can never, ever die.  And he's super hot, which is always a plus.

So screw all you unconventional carry Sorakas and jungle Jannas, we're still winning because I'm buying these champs asap.

As an aside - who says Facebook games are old news?  The Sims Social is currently ruling my life.
Come play!
<3 GGg Amava