Monday, December 12, 2011


This is a three part series of random videos I like that use the word "asian" in a funny way.
First up: REAL Zone, ASIANS in Vancouver

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Garen, Kayle, and Dominion

So I mentioned Garen and his awesome tanking abilities, but a newly buffed champ I'm fond of is Kayle. Build her with AP and Attack Speed for the weirdest, most successful combination of awesomeness.  Spam her E, Righteous Fury, and become a super supportive ranged carry. With heals, impenetrable shields, slows and high damage, what can go wrong? 
You can also try to build her tanky for fun, after you get your trinity force and hextech. Kayle rocks.

And then there's Dominion, LoL's new version of capture the flag. It's open for testing; you can currently try the beta sometimes during the day. So, how is it? Unbalanced? Yes. Boring? I would say so. Broken? Indefinitely. It's basically a game of who can run around in circles the fastest. Kills and team fights are irrelevant, as long as you keep hold of more capture points than your enemy. The only thing I like is that the games are truly 15 - 25 minutes. Oh wait, I played a really long game once that was 27. Eh, it's better than a potential hour per one game of regular LoL.

As for other games, Sims Social is now a chore, the old Nintendo Games I got for free on my 3DS don't have save points, and Minecraft still sucks. Today someone decided to steal the floor right from out of my house. I hope you die in lava and then get eaten by zombies, spiders, and giant squid.

Pleasantly Yours,
GGgirl Amava

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Shaco Ownage

So in light of recent GGgirls owning/win streaks, as in Dieowynn with Irelia, here's my Shaco match history ftw. Such rapage - pushing towers like a boss. He was free last week, and so much fun... now I only  have to get enough IP to buy him =(


Saturday, September 10, 2011

New Favorite Champs

It's a good thing LoL has free champion rotations, or I would never have known how awesome these characters are.

Here's Shaco: a scary ass clown who can take down towers like no other and can almost always survive a chase.  Yeah, he's kind of a shady looking dude, but I prefer to think he's secretly a chick behind a mask.

And then there's SPIN AND WIN!  Garen, Might of Demacia, has the best finishing ulti ever. Plus, since I'm comfortable with tank characters, when I build him tanky he can never, ever die.  And he's super hot, which is always a plus.

So screw all you unconventional carry Sorakas and jungle Jannas, we're still winning because I'm buying these champs asap.

As an aside - who says Facebook games are old news?  The Sims Social is currently ruling my life.
Come play!
<3 GGg Amava

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Hunger Games: Books and More
The 74th Hunger Games is arriving quickly. Do your duty to Panem by registering for tesserae to increase your chances of becoming your newest district's Tribute. Let the Games Begin.

Sign up for Panem October for an interactive Hunger Games! Register for the tesserae and get placed in your district!

Have you read the Hunger Games series yet?  If you haven't, shame on you.  You're missing out on a ton of awesomeness.  The movie comes out in March, and the interactive Games start in October!  I see it as a type of Pottermore, but for the Hunger Games.

Speaking of Pottermore, which opens in October as well, sign up with your email!  Go to , and get on line to explore J. K. Rowling's world.  Meet Harry Potter and learn things about Hogwarts that were never incorporated into the novels.

These people are amazing.  They're taking my two favorite activities, reading and gaming, and combining them in a unique way.  I'm all for it.

Cheers to living in a fantasy world, whether through a book or through a computer.

Your Good Game girl,

Tuesday, August 2, 2011



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game that deliberately irritates and harasses other players.

So, tried playing Minecraft.  Yeah, it was sort of addicting, I get it.  But when assholes keep jacking my stuff, I don't want to play anymore.  Okay, I protected my area. and YEAH, they still griefed all my shit.  So STOP MINING stuff that doesn't belong to you.  Because if it's behind a fence, in a chest, in my house, obviously it's not there by chance.  Die in a fire.

ALSO, in reference to LoL:
To all you pansies who keep trying to surrender when we can win, STOP REFUSING TO PLAY and assisting the other team by going afk.  Or worse, by STAYING IN BASE and WATCHING but refusing to do anything because you're a WHINY TWIT.  I hope you all get banned for refusing to communicate or verbal harassment or just being an unskilled player.  All you hoes is reported. CHUNKS.

To all you griefers, trollers, smarty pants, or whiny losers, STFU or GTFO.

ktx buhbye now.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer Reading =)

So besides games, other things I like include books. A lazy summer means lots of reading for fun. What have I been reading so far?

Charlie St. Cloud  [****]
You may have seen the movie with Zac Efron, but this story was originally a book, which of course was much better. Set in a graveyard, this book is about seeing ghosts, unused potential, and letting go of the past. Quite moving.

Girl Overboard [**]
This book starred a teen Chinese-American snowboarding girl. She lives in a mansion, but her rich, successful parents neglect her. It's definitely a teen flick, and kind of fluffy (long for no reason). I liked it because of the random Chinese words thrown in.

The Hunger Games [*****]
In a world where the tyrannical Capitol is rich and the surrounding 12 districts are poor to the point of starvation, the Capitol asserts its authority by demanding child sacrifices each year as tribute. These children are gathered and left in the forest to struggle to survive - and also fight to the death - as the whole country watches on TV. The winner not only gets to live, but is rewarded with riches for their district. This book is AMAZING.  I can't wait to read the rest of the series. Get it before the movie comes out.

An Abundance of Katherines [***]
Smart and funny with a dash of teen angst and romance, this book centers around a child prodigy , a road trip, and a lot of girls named Katherine. I'd say read it, it was fun.

Leviathan [****]
Real good one over here. In a futuristic version of the past, we're caught up in World War II.  Except this World War doesn't involve nuclear arms - instead, the Allies wield ungodly animal mutations to fight the Mechanical expertise of the Clankers (Axis Powers).  With flying jellyfish, the Leviathan, and 20ft mechanical walkers, no one can predict the outcome of this fight. Another awesome series! Reading the rest of it now.

Warcraft Archive [****]
Blizzard Entertainment has itself some really good writers.  I've been reading the novels based on WarCraft the rts computer game, and all of them are pretty great.  Straight from the fantasy/scifi genre, any Tolkien fan should definitely follow Blizzard's books. This particular volume has four books in one.
I've read most of the WoW novels - I'm pretty sure StarCraft books are next in line. So yeah, I'm a gamer chick and a bookworm. MLIA!

Happy Reading,
GGg Amava

Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Gaming

What have I been doing this summer?  Nothing.  And nothing is wonderful, because it means I'm actually doing lots of little meaningless things that are useless for my future, but nevertheless fun.  Let's see, here are some of the nothings I've been up to all summer:

  • Going to the beach and the pool as much as I want
  • Movies:  Bridesmaids, Pirates, Kung Fu Panda, Midnight in Paris... and basically everything else in theaters 
  • TV:  Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, Nick, ABC Family... Who's Line is it Anyway, How I Met Your Mother, Presidential party nominee debates, Law & Order... [Shh I'm TV deprived at college]
  • Cooking up some good food... hmm, Saturday I made cute little rice balls and some amazing soy sauce grilled chicken
  • Baking! Yesterday I baked yellow cupcakes with white chocolate chips and marshmallow or nutella frosting
  • Hanging out with Tim all the time ^.^
  • Spending more time over my dad's house
  • GAMING!!  Small single player games?!
    • Pokemon Soul Silver
    • Angry Birds on Google Chrome - can't get three stars on that stupid last level
    • Portal
    • Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3DS
    • Harvest Moon: Magical Melody!!

What games have you been playing lately?

GGg Amava

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 1 - A Picture of your Favorite Champion

Mr. Mordekaiser, because he's OP and will wreck your face =).


Hey, and you know what?  Morde is my champ for Days 2-30 also; he's me favorite support, tank, carry, ganker, solo, whatever you want, (though i've never tried to jungle with him... I will do it one day) he rocks. He's also SUCH a ho to have on the other team.
 30 day LoL challenge COMPLETE. 

Love, GGg Amava

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Zerg in my Bedroom!

So recently I had been seeing some ants in my room. They were tiny, like zerglings, and there were only one or two, which I was able to kill off quickly, so it didn't bother me that much. Looking back, they must have been scouting out my room while their giant colony was spawning. My roommate was bothered by them, so she had something done.

I woke up this morning to an exterminator, checking for ant problems. Yes, we had ant problems, that's why we called him. He looked at all the dead ants under the radiator and took out a bottle with a long tube attached and sprayed something along the bottom of it. That should do it, he said, and left. 

Zerg Rushed

About an HOUR later, I'm just sitting at my desk, and get ATTACKED by a giant swarm of ants. They all decided to come out of their hiding place and have a party all over my floor. Yep, it was just like I got zerg rushed. A massive amount of creepy little bugs, crawling all over the place, getting into everything, decided to invade when I was unprepared.

What was I supposed to do?! I didn't have any insecticides, and there were so many of them that no matter how many I killed by hand, more came to take their place. I tried sweeping them, squishing them, throwing things at them... I even tried to drown them with Febreze - which kind of worked, by the way. Eventually I mopped up as many as I could with a Swiffer, tied up all the bugs in a bag, still living, and threw them in the dumpster. 

But I couldn't go back to my room. Not when I knew what horrors awaited me.

The SWARM in my stairwell.

They're scared of camera flashes. And Febreze.

I think I scared them away.  That, or the exterminator's plan was to make them all come out of their hiding place and have me deal with them.  Either way, I keep my Febreze and my Swiffer around just in case. I've experienced the worst, and I know what to expect.  Death.

Concerning real Starcraft II, I finally got ranked haha. It's not pretty, but at least I'm not 100 Bronze.  I've also abandoned Nexus Wars.  My new favorite custom game is Squadron Tower Defense. Come play!

- GGgirl Amava

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


As this guy so eloquently put it...


So yeah, it's official. I rock. First there was a battle, then a lot of killing... I hear the game say QUADRAKILL and I was like what? Did I get all those kills?? And then Akali from the other team runs past me trying to get away... DENIED! Pssh if she thought she could live, she should have ran the other way. Believe it. I killed their entire team. G-g-g-godlike, much?

owned in the face, and they know it

And the game didn't end there. I went on, to carry like no other. Best farmage, most kills, top assists, and least deaths. Moral of the day? I win. Yeah right Akali, you can't touch this.

If you want to be a boss, play like a boss. And have a crazy awesome team. I'm pretty sure the GGgirls have a ridiculous team in the making. We still need two more people though... We might join a tournament haha.

Come join us!
GGgirl Amava

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

First GGg Music Video!

Woot! First video guys. Yeah so when I recorded the game I didn't know that my youtube playlist would be recorded as well heh. When I first watched it I rofl'd. All those songs and commercials were what was playing on my laptop at the time. I think it fits. Whatever, it's what I listen to, deal with it. I think I'll name it "All Kill Steals No Suicide". What do you think - good game or was their Pantheon just lame?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

BAM, win streak to level 30!

Watch out LoL, the GGgirls are going ranked!


P.S. It's been taking me a while to figure out this editing software, but videos will be posted soon.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lag on LoL

So I've decided to channel my LoL rage caused by my terrible university wireless and put it here. Don't you hate it when you're winning a game until someone lags up the butt then goes d/c on the team and you lose? Well that person tends to be me. Truly, as the lagger, I'm just as mad as you are. It goes something like this.

What the duck. Why won't my person move when I tell it to T-T.

ZOMG I'm dead again ><!! I couldn't even see what happened...

Then, when my screen finally starts responding again;

I'M SORRY that I make you lose but DON'T BLAME ME for my school's sucky internet. As a constant victim of lag, I probably hate it more than you do, and I don't exactly like losing either. 